Sunday, August 2, 2009


I am taking 6 subjects and a co-curriculum for this semester, it is Asas Ekonomi Islam (CTU 241), English for Academic Purpose (BEL 311), co-curriculum football, Third Language (BMD 101), Introduction to Statistics (QMT 216), Macroeconomics (ECO 211) and Fundamentals of Finance (FIN 262). Ko-kurikulum, BEL 311 and CTU241 are university requirement subjects and BMD 101, QMT 216, ECO 211 and FIN 262 are faculty requirement subjects.

CTU 241, my lecturer is Ustaz Kamarulzaman Sulaiman. This subject is about the foundation of Islamic economics. It also about how to use and manage the economics resources for the betterment of one self and others both materially and spiritually in order to achieve the blessing of Allah and how to manage economics with Islamic philosophic.

For BEL 311, my lecturer is Mr Izuan Ismail. I learn how to make an essay and that is why Sir Izuan asked us to do weekly essay assignment. This subject is for academic purpose and it also focus on how to make an article. Learning this subject will improve my English and it can benefit me in the future.

My lecturer for BMD 101 is Mr Lim. I choose to take mandarin for subject third language because I want to learn new language in my life. I am so happy and excited to learn this subject. Mr Lim is a good lecture, funny and everything that his teach is easy to understand. I think this subject will benefit students in the future when their work in a company that have Chinese people in company management. Students will also easy to make a business with Chinese peoples, it is because businesses in Malaysia are monopoly by them. I will study this subject for semester 3 and semester 4, so I will learn lot of things in mandarin language and maybe the result I can speak mandarin with Chinese peoples.

Next, for QMT 216 my lecturer is Assoc. Prof Ruhana Zainuddin. This subject is to provide students majoring in business management, banking, investment, accounting, marketing, finance and other field of business administration with an introductory survey of many applications of statistics. It also would prepare students to do advanced statistical courses and to do subjects that are related to statistical technique. So, I will be able to analyze data and make conclusions based on statistical analysis, understand the important of sampling and data collection and also be able to use some statistical software and to interpret statistical output result after learn this subject in this semester.

Macroeconomics is my favourite subject, my lecturer is Mrs Zarina. Macroeconomics looks at the economy from broader perspective by considering its overall performance and the way the various sectors of the economy relate to one other. It is study of economic activity, the performance of the economy, the fluctuations in unemployment and inflation, explain the upswing and the downswing of the economy. So, I will know about Malaysia economics such as government income and expenditure and will know the reason why inflation or recession is happened.

For FIN 262, my lecturer is Mrs Wan Asma Hanim Wan Mustapha. Finance as a subject is very broad and it has close relationship with other business functions such as accounting, economics, management and marketing. The knowledge of all business disciplines and current economic environment are the prerequisite for a successful financial management to effectively execute financial decisions. It also will introduce broad view of financial management concepts and other related topics of special interest to provide the basis for understanding of later materials. So, it can benefit me in the future when I work with a company that is required the workers have knowledge about finance and make financial decisions.

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